Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do We Really Need Gay Marriage?

I consider myself a very open and accepting person. I have no problem with gay people. If you're in love, good for you. However do we really need gay marriage? I see no point in straight or gay marriage. I mean most people get married for religious reasons and most religions ban gay marriage so it would only be a gay marriage in a legal sense. Also why is marriage so important anyway? Half of marriages end in divorce. Until gay marriage became legal, gay people were the only people lucky enough not have to bother with marriage because the "man were keeping them down." In a straight relationship, eventually one of the people wants to get married and if the other one doesn't, the relationship usually goes down the drain (how do you go on after "No, honey. I don't want to marry you. I just want to have extramarital sex with you and hang out."?). Gay people were the only ones lucky enough who never had to deal with marriage. You see gay people be in a relationship for sixty years who were never married. I can't name one marriage I've seen last longer than two and that was because the woman got pregnant. My mom has been married almost thirty years. Of course, that's because she hasn't seen her husband in almost twenty of those years, since she met my dad and had me. So I guess like the only way to make a marriage work is that you don't have any contact with them for almost two decades. Anyway back to the subject. Now thanks to gay marriage being made legal, everyone has to commit. So in turn, making gay marriage legal is really going to ruin a lot of gay relationships. All the LBTG groups are like "Everyone has the right to marry." Marriage in America is not sacred. You can get married at Wal-Mart. Marriage worked from BC to the 1900s because people only lived to be like 30 years old. By the time you actually got married, you would of died of old age before you had the chance to even think about divorce. Now people are living to be over a hundred years old. Nelson Mandela spent almost thirty years in African prison. He then divorced his wife six months after his release. A man can survive three decades of imprisonment in an African jail but can't handle six months of marriage? So now everyone in America has the right to marry whoever they want and be miserable until their divorce is finalized and start the vicious cycle over again.

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