Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How To Be Black: Courtesy Of "Black" Magazines

Gosh! I am so sick of walking into any given store from a countrywide chain to a gas station and seeing black magazines. It just sickens me. Not because of the unfair and hypocritical biased nature of it but because it's so competely unfair to black people. Sure, a few years ago, we needed black magazines because magazines never really featured black people but that's not the case today. Certainly not requiring the presence of sooooo much "black" media. This is why I see so many black people hassle other black people for acting too "white" and not "black" enough so they must be betraying their race and hate themselves for being black. The magazines like Black Hair says "You're black. These hair styles are appropriate for you." Magazines like Black Woman says "You're a black woman. These are things you should be interested in." Heck. You can even get all black porn magazines featuring the stereotypical "bootylicious" black female. It treats black people like they're an alien species that can't like anything that's not deemed black by a very small group of of people interested in profit and promoting whatever for their own monetary benefits. I do believe race exists (naturally someone from Scandinavia isn't of the same genetic makeup as someone from Nubia) but I don't believe just because you're black that you should have to like rap music or be ghetto or you're not "behaving black" enough. I don't see magazines for the black businessperson getting very much exposure among the common public. Many don't even know they exist. Things like hair magazines, I can understand to an extent because we all have different hair types but there are white people with what's considered "black" hair and there are black people with what's considered "white" hair so really, it'd do more greater good to just have one magazine cover all hair types. We don't have Thin Hair Monthly or Curly Hair Weekly. Also another thing that gets me is that they say Black in the title but then they have mixed models and people featured in it. Call it Mixed magazine if you're going to do that. Or better yet, leave race out altogether and just feature people regardless of race who are in the field of the magazine's topics. Then everyone wins. On the whole, magazine sales go up because it doesn't only attract one race and scare the other ones off. Yes, I mean scare. I, as a white person, have actually been laughed at for skimming through a "black" magazine. That would encourage me to not look at them anymore, much less buy them. Also besides increased magazines sales, we can find a little more unity as humans.

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