Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Dread Black History Month

Black history month has to be the most hypocritical and useless holiday in the world. It's the same crap every single year. You read about Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and so on. Now we have Obama. One new figure in twenty years and he's only half black. That's another thing that makes me mad. Black history month wants to promote black history. Well shouldn't you promote um... full black figures? No, I'm not being racist but you don't see them promoting 1/4 black people. Only 1/2 black and above. So that's hypocritical. They only promote black figures they believe are black enough to count by some irrational and impossible standard. Obama: 1/2 black and Malcolm X: 1/4 black. Also they never promote white people who had a major part in black history like Abe Lincoln. They never mention William E. Walling, Mary White Ovington or Henry Moskowitz who were whites involved with helping the N.A.A.C.P. get started. No offense (because America was run by white people at the time), but nothing would have ever happened for black people without the white people who wanted to change it. No matter how hard they tried, no progress would have been made without the help of white people but white people are portrayed only in bad light. We don't hear anything about the real black figures that started the whole movement and without them, Martin and Malcolm would have never existed as historical figures. We never hear about Ida B. Wells or Dread Scott. These are the people who started it all. Also then there's the whole thing about "We need black history month because it's not taught in school." What people don't seem to want to acknowledge is that early American history- THERE WERE NO BLACK PEOPLE. It was Native Americans and Europeans. Also we learn so little about Native Americans but no one complains. We have few resources to learn about Native American history. Anyway, when the black people did come to America, they were slaves. They couldn't do anything really noteworthy like discoveries and such (they didn't have the resources or freedoms to do so). They just did chores and work. It's not their fault but black people didn't become major parts of history until the time period surrounding the civil war. Anything before that, all that history would just be about slavery and there's only so much you can learn about that. However I would like to see more work on slavery in the books so that everyone can see slavery wasn't as bad as everything thinks. I'm not saying it was a good thing but not all slaves were beaten and lynched. Look at it like this: a slave was a tool of the farmer's trade. To damage a slave would be like a jockey breaking the legs of his prize winning race horse. It wouldn't be economically a very good idea. Anyway for a good one hundred to two hundred years, that was all that black history was. After that, black history fills our history books because it was a major part of USA. What also bothers me is that no one complains about learning Australian history, Eastern Asian history, Middle Eastern history, African history or South American history. We learn absolutely zilch about those cultures. Black and white people aren't the only people in America. The other races get little resources to learn about their cultures and histories in schools.

1 comment:

  1. However I would like to see more work on slavery in the books so that everyone can see slavery wasn't as bad as everything thinks. I'm not saying it was a good thing but not all slaves were beaten and lynched.

    These are your words you peace of work but you forgot to add beaten, lynched, and not paid.
    And i hope you try to remember that black women did not want to give birth to 1/2 or 1/4 children and that they were forced. You are the reason why blacks keep black history month alive thank you very much
