Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama Is Biased

Obama is half black and half white. Nothing more. Nothing less. You can't just call yourself black and it's so. He's the same amount of black that he is white which gives him no obligation to chose white over black or black over white. He should describe himself as biracial and respect both races. His given reason for calling himself black is that he relates to black people more so than white people. For a man who grew up with white influences, not the south side of Detroit, I don't see how you can relate to a race you never really came to know. Besides Your race has nothing to do with your personality or who you are in your mind anyway. Just because you're black, that doesn't mean you'll relate to black people more than Middle Eastern people and just because you're white, that doesn't mean you'll relate to white people more than Eastern Asian people. Obama is under the impression that all white people are the same and all black people are the same by his wording which would mean he groups a few billion white AND black people under the same stereotype in his mind which could either be implied as racist and/or ignorant.

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