Monday, January 5, 2009

Racial Discrimination Groups Will Fight Any Racial Discrimination You Face... If You're The "Right" Race Of Course

I'm all for racial equality. However a lot of discrimination groups are pretty useless. The NAACP being the biggest one in my opinion. I believe the NAACP has done its job. It needs to step aside and disappear. Now, it just causes more problems for people. All the NAACP does now is say "If you need help for racial discrimination and you're black, come on in. If you're not, screw you." While a million people say "The NAACP is for all kinds of discrimination. Not just black." Well I doubt that if any of the white children in the USA called the NAACP and told them that the black students and teachers used racial slurs, that the NAACP is going to run to their aid." We have thousands of groups in the USA for racial discrimination. However if you aren't a certain race, you can't get help. Isn't that an oxymoron for the record books? "We're here to help you if you're discriminated against. Oh you're [insert race here]? Sorry, we can't help you. You're not the right race." If we took all the resources the NAACP and other rights groups have and combined to help EVERYONE, we'd have a lot more for the greater good. Another thing that ticks me off is that white people have absolutely ZERO resources for discrimination and ZERO sympathy. If a white person is told "You're fired because you're white," there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Sure, you can report it. Will it do any good? Probably not. If a black person is told "You're fired because you're black." the NAACP would be in there the same day and the CEO would be firing people left and right who may have done anything remotely racist. People think that because white people are the majority that they have no problems. They do. They're the only race the government can legally turn down for things like school applications and jobs thanks to "quotas." That means you could be a white person with a 4.0 GPA but if a school has to abide by a quota, a black person with a 2.3 GPA will get in over you. How is that fair? It's not just white people that get turned down too. Blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians and so on all get turned down because of this. Also I would like to know who they make their quotas. If you're half black and half Chinese, do you go into the Asian quota or the black quota? Or do you get your own little box in the "mixed race" pile? The best deserve to excell. Why work so hard to get told you can't do something not because you're no qualified, but because of something that has nothing to do with anything? I know there has been a ton of discrimination in the past in the USA but it's not the same anymore. It's not even the same as it was five and ten years ago. People can say I'm Irish-Chinese-Nubian-Egyptian-English and no on cares. It doesn't matter. The government wants to solve racial discrimination by discriminating based on race? Yeah. Whoever came up with that idea surely deserves the Nobel Prize.

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